Tea ceremony, also known as the way of tea or chado, is an ancient Japanese ritual that has been practiced for centuries. Rooted in the Zen philosophy of mindfulness and simplicity, tea ceremony involves the preparation and serving of tea in a ceremonial setting.

I am honored to offer this unique and transformative practice to those who seek to deepen their connection with themselves and the world around them.

The history of tea ceremony is steeped in tradition and symbolism. From the preparation of the tea to the way it is served and consumed, every aspect of the ritual is imbued with meaning and intention.

The practice is rooted in the Zen philosophy of mindfulness and presence, encouraging us to be fully present in the moment and to cultivate a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

During my tea ceremonies, I guide my guests through the ritual with a deep sense of reverence and respect for this ancient practice. I use only the finest teas and tea ware, ensuring that every aspect of the ceremony is of the highest quality.

If you're looking to experience the magic of tea ceremony for yourself, I invite you to join me for a session.


Sound Bath


Cocoa Ceremony